HeartSafety Solutions was established in 2006 after the directors discussed recent sudden cardiac arrests (SCA) of high-profile sports stars. As sports fans coming from a background in the emergency services, they knew the best way to save lives from SCA in the community was to provide access to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to trained members of the public, at the time and place of the SCA occurring.
At the time, Public Access Defibrillators (PADs) were very uncommon as was bystander-initiated Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). They decided they could make a difference, they wanted to save more lives.
Only a year later, HeartSafety rolled out the GAA National Defibrillator programme, in partnership with the GAA and VHI healthcare. This programme involved providing GAA clubs with access to low-cost defibrillators and free training for 500 people.
The programme was massively over-subscribed and resulted in the largest deployment of AEDs in Ireland and many lives saved. GAA clubs have a unique position in the Irish community, with most towns, villages, and parishes having at least one club. Therefore, many communities suddenly had access to an AED, which proved hugely valuable, especially in rural areas with longer ambulance response times.
Other notable deployments by HeartSafety Solutions include Irish Rail, AIB Banks, Croke Park Stadium, Guinness Breweries and more recently Ryanair for each of their aircraft.
HeartSafety Solutions is also an advocate of quality first aid and health & safety training. Starting with Irish Heart Foundation approved training site accreditation, we went on to be one of the first ‘Recognised Institutions’ of the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) and later became the only Irish company offering Fire Safety/ Fire Warden training accredited by the Institute of Fire Engineers.
Accreditation means our quality assurance policies and procedures are inspected and subject to regular external audit.
As many of our customers require more than just equipment and safety training, we also supply a range of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) consultancy services, such as:
- Risk Assessments
- Safety Statements
- Ergonomic Assessments
- VDU/DSE Risk Assessments
- Fire and Safety Consultancy and advice