Grainne Kelly

Researcher, Atlantic Technological University, (ATU)

Grainne graduated from University of Limerick with a bachelor’s degree in environmental science. She is currently undertaking a master’s degree in environmental health and safety management at ATU Sligo and carrying out research on Behavioural Based Safety Training and how it can have an impact in reducing accidents/ incidents within the construction industry. The study has been very interesting so far and I am gaining great feedback on the BBS training from the supervision within my own company who have already attended. The main aim is to study the efficiency of BBS training at preventing incidents. It takes a proactive approach to preventing incidents and mainly involves effective communication between supervision and workers and ensuring that safety becomes the top priority for all in construction from the ‘top down’. The research  shows how important studying behaviours and safety attitudes within contractors on a construction site can be to help prevent accidents not only within my company but all other companies also.

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