
Keeping abreast of the latest solutions and embracing futuristic technologies to enhance productivity and safety

The Irish construction industry is experiencing a transformative shift with the implementation of the CWMF (Capital Works Management Framework) BIM (Building Information Modelling) requirements, which has been come known as the Irish BIM mandate, marking a new era of digital innovation. Digital technology offers increased opportunities but also presents greater challenges and risks in terms of safety and health. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used by EHS professionals to analyse construction site conditions and worker behaviours to predict and address safety risks before they escalate. With the increasing move towards digitalisation of fieldworkers, Health & Safety and Operational leaders need to be abreast of the latest solutions being used by progressive organisations in the sector.

Topics will include:

·       the impact of new technologies in modern methods of construction on health and safety

·       how AI can address safety risks, react to incidents, focus on preventing them, and thereby  shifting from reactive to proactive

CEO, DCT Group
Associate Director - Health, Safety and Sustainability, John Paul Construction
Founder & CEO, Boxcore
Director, Women in AI Ireland

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